



Plant Expansion Project

TEE has been awarded the project execution for the New Paper Machine 7 Project at Renova Tissue Paper Mill, in Torres Novas, Portugal.
TEE’s project involved the Basic and Detail Engineering as required for the installation of the new PM7 Machine.
TEE was in charge of the Renova mill lay-out modifications; the PM7 foundations and building design, the electrical and safety design, as well as the design of the piping and E&I interfaces between the new machine and the existing mill.
The project involved also the design of a new fully automatic warehouse for finished goods. TEE’s activities included also all the licensing work, the procurement, including the procurement for the erection on the machine and the site supervision.
The entire project was developed using TEE’s integrated 3D project development tools. These systems were fundamental for the project success as they enabled a seamless project integration with the PM7 machine supplier and made possible the complete project coordination and design review at TEE’s home office.




New Power Plant

The Tejo Project 2018, at Celtejo Pulp Mill, it concerns the installation of a new Thermal Power Plant designed to meet the future Mill capacity with process steam and electrical power. This Power Plant will also be able to supply and sell electrical power to the national grid. This project includes a new Recovery Boiler with a maximum production capacity of 250 Ton/h High Pressure Steam, operating at 98 bara and 495ºC. A new tail condensing Steam Turbine will be installed, able to generate 35 MWe, both for internal needs and for dispatching to the grid.

The Power Plant shall also be able to supply the mill with process steam in three different pressure levels: MP2, MP1 and LP. The complete installation shall include new cooling towers; the revamp of the existing electrical Substation (60/11kV), as well as all the required auxiliary systems such as fuel feeding, cooling water circulation systems, chemical dosing, compressed air and nitrogen, fire protecting and I&C.




Detail Engineering for GO Tanks

Repsol Portuguesa’s installation for the reception, storage and export of Diesel (GO), and reception and incorporationinto diesel of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME), in Sines.

The project consists of four tanks (three for storage of diesel with a total capacity of 100,117 m3 and one for storage of FAME with capacity for 3,448 m3), a loading station tanker trucks, an island for reception of FAME and all means necessary for the reception of diesel from Sines Port Terminal and export of diesel to CLC Aveiras, via the Pipeline Sines – Aveiras.

This project has synergies with the existing Repsol Polímeros facility, namely, the use of piping systems, the sharing of utilities produced at Repsol Polímeros and maintenance and fire fighting services.


Andrade Gutierrez


Falcão Project, Soyo

Angola LNG is operating a LNG plant in Northern Angola, near Soyo to liquefy and export gas produced from offshore Angola fieldsIn Falcão project scope, the gas is taken from LNG plant to supply the domestic users located in the new industrial area near Soyo.
A Distribution Gas Pipeline (DGP) (20”) will be laid between LNG plant and the Gas Receiving Distribution Unit (GRDU).
This gas will be filtered in the GRDU and distributed to load users in particular the new power plant.
Andrade Gutierrez awarded toTechnoedif the Falcão Project, including the construction engineering support. The disciplines involved are: process, HAZOP, industrial safety, civil, piping and mechanical, instrumentation, electricity and control.


Hovione Farmaciência, SA


Building 2 – PPG Unit Revamping

TEE has developed Detailed Engineering for PPG Unit Revamping, in Building 2 of HOVIONE Manufacturing Plant at Loures, Portugal.

The purpose of this project was the implementation of a spray dryer (hastelloy) in a new clean room specially created for it, a glass lined reactor, several tanks, scrubbers, and other equipment, and the development of all infrastructures and utilities needed for its operation.


AGOCO Project Gas Utilization J-22

Project Gas Utilization J-22

In 2016, as a result of the improvement of the political situation in Libya, AGOCO (Arabian Golf Oil Company) relaunched the flares gas recovery project in several SARIR Sites (located in the eastern part of the country, about 600km south of Benghazi) with a view to use the gas as fuel for the power plant of its GRAMA water pumping unit (located about 300km West of SARIR) to the Mediterranean coast. The key events and / or dates of this ongoing project are:

September / October 2016: Engineering and Laser Scanning surveys were executed
February 2017: Project kick-off
June-2018: 30% completion of the 3D model for all Sites achieved (“Model review” conducted on 20-Jun-2018)
October-2018: 60% completion of the 3D model for all Sites
December-2018: 90% completion of the 3D model for all sites
Start-up of the installation: September-2019


Galp Energia

EPCM SINES FCC Revamping PG2018 Project

Galp Energia awarded Technoedif the EPCM contract (Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management) for the Revamp and 2018 shutdown activities of the FCC – Fluid Catalytic Cracking – Sines Refinery unit.

Engineering and Procurement work began in February 2017 and lasted until April 2018. Construction work began in May 2018 and will end with the general shutdown of the FCC planned for October 2018.

During the general shutdown, the new catalyst cooler, weighing approximately 90 tons, will be installed and the stripping section of the reactor will be replaced, This operation will involve the temporary removal of the 55 m high, 6.7 m diameter, reactor, making it necessary to engage a crane capable of lifting up to 1,250 tons.